Acupuncture is a complex branch of ancient Chinese medicine, but its practical principles and methods are easily understood:
- Fourteen major energy channels called meridians course through the human body including the head, arms, hands, legs, feet, torso, and internal organs.
- A subtle energy called Chi (pronounced chee) circulates via the meridians to all parts of the body, even the most remote cells.
- Chi is the vital force, the presence of which separates the living from the dead. Its balanced, unimpeded flow is critical to sound health.
- Any misdirection, blockage, or other derangement of the amount, flow, or balance of Chi may result in pain, dysfunction, and ill health.
- With acupuncture needles, or other means, the acupuncturist stimulates certain points (acupoints) along the course of the meridians. Such stimulation helps restore the normal balance and flow of Chi so organs and bodily systems can work together in harmony as intended. This sets the stage for the body to repair itself and maintain its own health.