From its ancient beginnings to this day, acupuncture diagnostic procedures center on finding blockages and imbalances of Chi. In examining meridians, today’s acupuncturist may utilize electronic evaluation called Ryodoraku, or other electronic means, but many utilize traditional diagnostic methods. The following outline gives only a glimpse into some ancient diagnostic procedures which, at first, may seem strange to Western patients, although for untold centuries these procedures have proved reliable for Eastern patients.
Pulse Diagnosis—An intricate expert evaluation of the pulses reveals excesses, deficiencies, disharmonies of Chi and what organs are involved.
Observation of the Patient—Noting color and condition of the tongue, texture and condition of the skin, of the hair, of the voice—its strength or weakness—high or low pitch—hoarse-—throaty. Answers here confirm many health issues.
Interrogation of the Patient—Seeking a history of the illness, the patient’s feelings, lifestyle, diet. All of those, as well as emotional problems may contribute to Chi’s imbalance.
Physical Examination—Feeling for tender acupoints is a reliable diagnostic tool because certain acupoints are related to specific areas and functions of the body, and tenderness may relate to a specific problem.